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The story behind the store

Do you feel it too?
Do you also hear this voice, this call?
The roar of the lion, the flapping of birds' wings, the braying of the wild horse
We are called to return to nature, to the forest, to return home...

2021 was an absolutely crazy year. 
The system placed us all, regardless of religion, race and gender, 
Facing impossible dilemmas - 
Work VS freedom, democracy VS fascism
We all had to choose - whether to be part of the loss of democracy or to give up work, whether to speak in the name of democracy even though it is not politically correct or to flow with the herd in the river of fascism.

Why are we writing this introduction here? Because it is important for us to give you the background for establishing this business. This business is more than a store for camping, travel and natural cosmetics, this store is a vision that becomes a community of people who want to get out of the matrix and come back home. A community of people of land and freedom, fighters for democracy and freedom who want to return the honor to the one from which we came and to which we will return - to Pacha Mama, Mother Earth.

The Creator told us in the book of Genesis: "For the fact and for the preservation." The Creator entrusted us with the responsibility to work the land and maintain order, to cultivate this divine garden in the name of the One who said and was the world.

Giving Back

Recently reality seems to overwhelm us with the dichotomy of light versus dark, everything floats up and it seems that everything we have repressed so far calls us to choose a side. There's no more sitting at home in front of the sofa and babbling in front of the news. The news reached our streets, our businesses, our livelihoods. And from all ends of the national and political spectrum in Israel and the world, the call and the desire to live and make a living with dignity rises. Every business owner has to deal with closures and anti-democratic laws that prohibit you from providing customer service

All they wanted was to keep their temple, their body, in their possession. 
It seems that the gardeners of reality - we, busy with all kinds of trifles and forgetting our role -

To take care of the garden that the Creator commanded us to cultivate. 

In the last two years we have had the chance to talk to many people, with families of all colors and sides and all without exception expressed the same desire with the exact same question: how do you get out of the matrix, how do you get back to nature, back home...
That's why we decided to establish a store whose whole concern is to take care of your comfort\n and allow you\n to get answers in all matters

For trips, living in nature, including a natural and healthy lifestyle...

Haim Be Teva is a community that comes to help us all lead a healthy, natural, communal, family lifestyle and do it with swag.
You will find here everything you need to survive as a family and as an individual in the field. From work tools, ropes and axes to nutritional supplements and care products. You are invited to build a personal survival kit for yourself from the variety of quality products we have to offer and/or choose

In one of the professional kits we prepared for you

Whether you are going on a personal, couple or family trip.

Life in nature - the way to independence and prosperity in nature


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